Well, it's that time of year. Word is that the new catalog is releasing on February 1, so that gives us just enough time to guess and fantasize about what might be in the catalog. Let's try and be realistic. Heck, we could make this a game and see whose guesses are closest to the real thing! But here's what I think will be in it:
New LionChief+ Steamers and Diesels (perhaps a baby berk, 4-4-2, FT, maybe even a 2-8-0 or 2-6-0)
Scale Steamers with Whistle Steam (My best guesses are new Heavy Mikado road names, UP FEF, SP AC-9, PRR S-1 and/or T-1, Heisler, NYC J3A (unshrouded and/or Dreyfuss/ESE), maybe some new tooling such as ATSF 1800 class 2-6-2 (PLEASE LIONEL PLEASE!), R&N 425, Reading T-1, Southern 630, SP 2472/2467/2479 4-6-2, etc.)
Vision Line ATSF ABBA F units
Diesels-whatever hasn't been rehashed in Legacy recently
Cars-Passenger cars to go with aforementioned VL F units
Track, power and control- Nothing new (Track & Power catalog said 2014-2015)
Accessories-More Plug n Play and Command Control accessories
What do you guys think?