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Well, it's that time of year.  Word is that the new catalog is releasing on February 1, so that gives us just enough time to guess and fantasize about what might be in the catalog.  Let's try and be realistic.  Heck, we could make this a game and see whose guesses are closest to the real thing!  But here's what I think will be in it:

New LionChief+ Steamers and Diesels (perhaps a baby berk, 4-4-2, FT, maybe even a 2-8-0 or 2-6-0)

Scale Steamers with Whistle Steam (My best guesses are new Heavy Mikado road names, UP FEF, SP AC-9, PRR S-1 and/or T-1, Heisler, NYC J3A (unshrouded and/or Dreyfuss/ESE), maybe some new tooling such as ATSF 1800 class 2-6-2 (PLEASE LIONEL PLEASE!), R&N 425, Reading T-1, Southern 630, SP 2472/2467/2479 4-6-2, etc.)

Vision Line ATSF ABBA F units

Diesels-whatever hasn't been rehashed in Legacy recently

Cars-Passenger cars to go with aforementioned VL F units

Track, power and control- Nothing new (Track & Power catalog said 2014-2015)

Accessories-More Plug n Play and Command Control accessories


What do you guys think? 

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I figure after Lionel used this year to release the 10th anniversary addition of the Polar Express, they'll release an upgrade to the product line in the form of a Polar Express LionChief + Engine and tender. Hopefully with the same sound sets available in the 10th anniversary addition.

We keep buying the upgrades no reason to stop now.

Originally Posted by M1FredQ:

With the success of Lion-ChiefPlus( I had a good feeling about it) I hope to see some more steamers as well as some F-3's.

Polar Express? What can you say? It's going to run for a LOOONG time.It's a lot of fun!!

I agree!


And, I predict that: I will say beforehand (as now) that there is little I can imagine I want that much, but that I will see some stuff in there I have to have and blow the whole planned train budget right there.  


K-Line made an awesome 4-6-6 tank engine years ago.  Someone - I have no idea who -  has the castings and all for it.  I would love to see a Legacy version of that.  Mine is getting really really old, obsolete, and worn out. 

I'm hoping that we will see some more modern Lionchief Plus diesels. I'm hoping to see maybe an SD40 or GP 38 in CN or CP. They could certainly resurrect the Lionmaster SD90 tooling and release those as Lionchief Plus engines with some new roadnames. 


On the steam side I would love to see a new version of the Reading Crusader!!


Jay in Ottawa


There is a new President at the helm and this is probably the 1st new catalog that his team has an opportunity to put their handprint fully on. So I do predict something new and not all rehash from prior years. They will want to make a statement. And judging from the success of the Vision Line BB and other top end products they achieved at the end of 2014, I am reasonable optimistic for something new.



Originally Posted by Matt Makens:

I predict that it will be full of trains and a bunch of them will be from previous catalogs


And of course, more sports themed and fantasy sets that just require different decals and painting.

If anything different comes out it will either be BTO and/or cost over $1200.

At best, we might...might get more LionChief engines added that are not just additional road names to what is already out there, i.e. repaint and decal.

Also, anything requiring new tooling will take 2+ years to arrive.

Still waiting for Neil Young Signature Series passenger cars.

How long does it take to make a passenger car?


Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER
Originally Posted by NYC Fan:

Looking for a Vision Line or at least Legacy J3a Hudson. Now that I'm broke...I'm sure they will do it!!! LOL.

One can only hope. I believe Lionel has "legacy rehashed" nearly every loco offered in the last 12 -14 years except the J3a....... and theres always that Niagara, that could be redone, WITHOUT all of the defects.


Mike R are you reading this???? ........berkshires and mohawks.....berkshires and mohawks...... enough already

Last edited by RickO

A re-cataloging of the Smoke Fluid Loader, since it's getting close to ready for delivery (wishful thinking for this 2011 order - though I will agree it's better to be delayed than defective).


A Walt Disney Carolwood Pacific set, possibly re-igniting the Heritage Series. (i.e, BFOC, John Bull, Stourbridge Lion, Dewitt Clinton and Lincoln Funeral train style)  Legacy would be cool, but possibly too hard to fit in if the engine is to be scale.




Originally Posted by MartyE:

Scale GG1. 

Don't be surprised to see an $1199 MSRP on it, just to push the price envelope again. Afterall, Lionel's gotta keep pace with their inflated MSRP's.    The Lionel JLC versions carried an $899 price-tag, but that was quite awhile ago.


MTH has held the $899 price-point with their recent GG-1's, but the street price is often much less.  MB Klein just had a SUPER sale on MTH locomotives around Christmastime, and I snagged a scale GG1 for $550.  





Originally Posted by david1:

Lionel already announced there would be no vision line engine this year.

I think that's a pretty prudent move on their part.  They already have the Y6b due out in mid-year which should anchor down the $1400-$1500 price-point quite nicely.  Although there seemed to be no shortage of BB orders at $2K, I don't think the market would absorb another Lionel $2K locomotive so soon -- especially on the heels of the Y6b's street price, which seriously dilutes the Vision Line value proposition.



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