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Hello all, I have a Lionel 350 Transfer table with extension that refuses to work correctly. It is all wired up correctly with original controller and original colored wire leads.  I have it wired to my ZW (R model) 275 watt transformer on one of the inner throttles. What happens is when I put a locomotive on the transfer table and it is centered on the transfer table. I press the up/down arrows to move it to another line of track, when it is on another line of track and I press the left/right arrow on controller, the ZW shorts out and the red light on ZW is ON. Thus, cutting all power to my track and transfer table. My track voltage is on the same ZW on one of the outer throttles. I am pretty sure I have it all wired correctly with lockons and power and grounds all correct. No idea where the short is. Could be the electrical inside the transfer table itself. The light on top and on the red button on controller both light up when they are supposed to. I will try to get pictures on here...Thanks, Jeff

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Hi Jeff, This is an excellent write up! People aren’t usually this descriptive. If you just power the accessory on, what happens when you press either of the left/right buttons? Does a situation change if there is or isn’t a locomotive on the table? It sounds like it could be a problem with the wiring or controller left/right buttons. Maybe the original insulation on the wiring is getting brittle? Maybe the table itself where the center rail is shorting, but only actively shorts when power is applied (left/right buttons pressed).

Thanks for reply, the wiring is very flexible. It was stored in correct temperature. With or without a locomotive on transfer table, the operation still works as it should. The table goes up/down just fine. But, cannot go left/right when button is pushed on the other 3 sidings. The main siding it works closest to the edge of my table platform.  Yes, it only shorts when the left/right button is pushed on any location the transfer table is at. Here are some pictures.  Maybe I have one too many lockons.


Images (6)
  • 20221114_051337: Left view
  • 20221114_051345: controller view
  • 20221114_051357: right view
  • 20221114_051404: right side lockons
  • 20221114_051412: left side lockons
  • 20221114_051420: Birds eye view


Can you turn over the moving table and get a picture of the underside.  I am curious to see the three wheels that run on the powered rails of the table bases.

I also notice you tied the main table and extension table together with a wire jumper.  Were you not getting a good "ground" to the extension?  They'll tie themselves together when connected, and also by the outer rails attached to the track.

I have both an original#350 and the modern version and would love to help.  I just want to see the underside, as I may have some ideas, but don't want to put them in your head before I can see...

Yes, I had a bad ground there. Where the extension attached to the main table section. I have three 027 pins in there to join them. But, my train platform is not very flat. I will get pictures of under the moving table. I have two #350 transfer tables on my layout. The other one has no extension added. I hope that one is right too. It works better, but fear the lockons are in the wrong place. What are the Fibre pins for?? I am a bit confused where you put Fibre pins on the tracks. Let me know. Will post pictures tonight. Thanks, Jeff.

I have 2 that work. Just needs fine tuning. I even know how to fix them. I have wiring diagrams and such for the motor and wiring under the transfer table itself. Living in NY, where Lionel trains were started, you've never seen a classic lionel #350 transfer table. Only cost me about $500 for 2 of them, plus $70 for the extension. Adds excitement to the layout and possibilities. Investment in happiness!!

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