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Well... I got the proverbial deal on the 6-22918 back shop and it is dead as a door nail, can't get it to do beans.  the motherboard has not been upgraded based on the attachment from Lionel  and the fact that there are no extra wire nuts... So my question for the experts is whether this sketch is correct?  Apparently there was an error in how to connect this unit and the instructions are... don't follow the labels on the unit but use the instructions. These are the instructions... I am applying 14vac to the two terminals most distant from the corner- shown with the lock on.  I have connected both of the right hand terminals to the hot / middle rail (but I can't imagine this makes any difference since nothing else is grounded on this unit and we are talking about AC) with no results.   Any tricks or ideas before I check to see if Lionel still fixes these?


backshop wiring


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  • backshop wiring
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mother board swap instructions
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If you have one of these, pay no attention to the instructions I posted above.   Everything is mislabeled on my unit and the instruction sheet is wrong too.  to compound the confusion, the connections are not on a corner that looks like this picture, even in x-ray vision mode from above.  turn your unit upside down so you can see what color wires are coming from the terminals.  With the back shop in the front, as you lift the unit to turn it over, my red / black power  terminal is the one on the right, near the edge.  Now that I have power, I am hoping to get input on two items:

1) All the backshop equipment works but I have no sound and the doors don't seem to want to work.  Any ideas on these?

2) what is the new mother board supposed to fix?  Lionel still has these at $40 - is it worth the change out and could it be related to the items above?

thanks for any guidance. 

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