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I do not have a new EM1 but the one I have from around 2001 will only operate on 072 or larger curves.  I had used Gargraves flexible track on my last layout.  I had many engines that stated they needed 072 curves that ran just fine.  When I acquired the B&O EM1, there was one curve it would derail on.  Upon inspection, I found that the problem curve was slightly less than 072 in diameter.

My guess is that Lionel did not make any modifications that would allow these later releases to operate on sharper curves.

Happy railroading,


I have a Legacy model from the first run with the same tooling as the TMCC and the latest Legacy model.  Switched it to the inner O-60 track once by accident, and the engine almost derailed.  It seemed something was binding between front half of the boiler and front set of drivers/front pilot assembly.  The pilot lifted up off the rails on the inside of the curve at first but then it slipped past whatever it was binding on and went back down.

So in the end you could probably make it work, perhaps with a slight modification.  Wouldn’t recommend it for appearance though.  It looks tight even on O-72.

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