I'm not sure where to post this so we'll try here. The mods can move it to traditional trains or wherever they think is appropriate.
I just unpacked this after it was boxed for 20+ years. I am afraid the mice had moved in and done a number on it. It used to have the original factory sticker on the back, but that was a casualty of the mouse invasion and I can't remember what it was. The track was Super O and there was a mountain and an upper level as you can see. (I have the mountain and have to see what kind of shape it is in) It is 4' x 8'. The top is a full 3/8" of pressed board on 1 x 4s. Has the busbars and a lot of the wiring on the back.
My dad's friend bought this in the early 60s for his kids and he gave it to my Dad around 1980. My dad stripped everything off, which is now dispersed and put his prewar trains on it. It's a shame he didn't know what he had. About 1994 I packed it up with the intention of restoring it, but that never happened.
Maybe some sleuth can identify it from the obvious track plan? It's going to be cut up and discarded, but it anyone wants it for restoration or a template it is yours for the taking.