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Anyone experience an anemic whistle steam smoke compared to the stack on a Lionel Legacy 2-8-0? Using MegaSteam, about 20 drops, I get COPIOUS amounts out of the main stack, but unless I  lean on the WHISTLE button, and hold it for maybe 20 or 30 seconds, I get a faint amount of smoke coming out. Only after about 5 minutes of running the engine, and repeatedly hitting the whistle, (using my old TMCC CAB-1 rather than my Legacy CAB-2 for now), I then get about 1/3 the amount than I do from the main stack.  Are there TWO smoke units inside? If so, is it possible the whistle unit is defective?   The manual simply says you fill it up at the stack, correct?

I've only had this engine for less than a week, so I would assume I could send it back to ModernTrainStuff, but wanted to check with others if this is just normal, and just have to live with it. In comparison, my

Legacy Camel Back pumps out GREAT whistle steam smoke after only being powered up for a minute- almost equal to the main stack.



Hackensack, NJ

THIS JUST IN- Sorry if I wasted anyone's time, but I just hooked up my Legacy 990, and the whistle steam smoke issue has GREATLY Improved, especially if I quill the horn, sliding that lever up and down. It seems there is better control, and short bursts produce a nice puff of smoke!

Lionel Legacy 2-8-0 Chesapeake and Ohio 2231100-01__13905


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  • Lionel Legacy 2-8-0 Chesapeake and Ohio 2231100-01__13905
Last edited by jpepe3691
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Glad you posted this. I’m having the exact same experience with my new Consolidation. I am using the CAB 1L, and only after a few minutes of using the whistle do I get any noticeable whistle smoke. And it is barely noticeable.

A friend of mine from this forum explained how I could use the AUX1 button on the Cab 1L to change the whistle and bell tones, so I tried that to see if it replicated your 990 quilling improvement. It did not, even though it is a nice undocumented feature to be able to select from multiple sounds for the bell and whistle.

I also tried it with the Lionchief app and no change in the anemic smoke.

I don’t at all understand why a 990 would create better whistle smoke, but glad it is working for you.

Last edited by ByronB

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