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F71D8EA9-150D-46CC-97A6-3253445B75DFA4A986A4-89C8-4B9C-935B-B332539712C8BBEB83C2-03B4-4CDD-8F5B-564CD44115852A40D2C0-4977-4A02-B7FF-AD2A81A531C8A11B9453-AA0C-4CAC-B32D-D2EAE2F07D1FA9D0CAF7-2E52-497F-8B2B-730DE99068F6B5BB02D7-4E50-4ED6-9571-43D4421F08A9682FDBC6-1176-4EA8-B73E-2A43A0611BF85FDFC055-AFF0-43C5-AB44-B8B351CF6EFE I had a few pics of this on another thread and since the project is taking on a life of its own and becoming more attractive to my ocd, I thought I would post here instead 

 This kit was already built before I decided to start detailing it( dont do this lol) and did require some dissasembly during the work

  Here are a few pics of the project to date 

I’m moving onto the 2nd floor construction next



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  • 682FDBC6-1176-4EA8-B73E-2A43A0611BF8
  • 5FDFC055-AFF0-43C5-AB44-B8B351CF6EFE
Original Post

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Wainscoting is wood panels or milled bead board installed on the walls from the floor to some height usually 3 to 4 feet up the wall with a horizontal chair rail type molding at the top and baseboard molding at floor level.   Looks from the photos like you found something depicting bead board ?

Really nice job, makes me want to take my Rico station out and do some remodeling in the future, of course mine too is 90% assembled, bummer...  Great colors for that structure

Last edited by chris a

Thank you Gentlemen for the clarification

  I would call it panelling lol Good to know the correct terms   

  I have been using Evergreen Plastic sheeting and Plastruct for materials     

  The wainscoting is O scale 3 1/4” car siding as well as the roof soffits that I ripped to 1” strips on my mini table saw

  Stocked up on some more plastic supplies and glue today at the local train shop 


Thank you Joe!

   I have done some modifications to my modifications lol

  1st floor was flimsy due to the thin styrene sheet I used so I strengthened with some 1” x 1/4” strips laminated with the panel design to pose as a pony wall around the perimeter     

 I also painted the interior walls the same colour as the first floor module

  I decided to make it easy to pull the floors out to detail for sanity sake   

  Here are some pics 



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  • AC3BA5D7-15E6-41E7-B575-CF6BF6F1C590
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7764BF9A-D816-46C1-BDA9-1B756013C0F4FEE9BCA3-CC94-4663-B8B3-32E8E1B01CBE30E37E26-358F-4238-9A36-839BD60D1CC41AC13957-2C77-47BE-A57C-8BD388EA209D62272021-C45D-49A8-AB74-1B383EF511D4   Well progress has been slow but i have almost finished the 2nd floor module  

 I will be installing another room for a bath tub sink and water closet if I can find some detail parts

   The ground floor still requires a ticket office built as well

  Coach Joe - I will be indeed be detailing the freight shed side as well

  I just thought I would cut my teeth on the easy part first lol

  Here are a few pics 



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Mark Boyce posted:

Al, the interior looks great!  On the landing a few stairs up from the main floor, where the stairs turn back, are you going to have a railing, half wall, or full height wall.  The half wall or railing would make the stairs more visible from the outside.

A railing is a must there Mark (and Al;-) to keep the view clear! Fantastic build.

 Yes I concur about the railing in the landing

safety first! Thank you All for the kudos hope you’re enjoying the mods this far 

  I have been looking for detail parts like railings bannisters to no avail but nothing  lol

  This has been a project that one could totally go over the edge with in details but I need to balance $$$ available and where do you draw the line? I made it modular so I could easily work on it in the future with out to much fuss

 I am looking at making metal bed frames from copper wire and brass angle for the upstairs bedrooms but I need to run trains too!

 Detail parts via the internet will be costly so they will be added down the road unless I make the parts 



Hi Sean

  You can dissolve old glue carefully with liquid styrene cement applied to the existing joint until it gets soft  and use a sharp blade to help separate the pieces   

  Some sanding required usually to clean and square up the pieces for reassembly

   I had to break apart the main roof for example to correct some of the errors in the original build

   It can be done just be patient lol


D7E0AD64-19E9-453E-ADCA-31AE639A17447E343DA0-D42F-4D0C-842B-F841F00C33F16B8C9BA8-FBD4-4A47-BEC9-D0C1AB478805AA400626-7FEA-4E69-8BA9-1A9021E802F0Still playing around with scratch building more details to add some realism   

 I decided to make an orderboard and CP sign to dress up the exterior by using scrap styrene paint and some HO decals for graphics   

 I wasn’t sure how to detail the order board with chaulk writing until I came up with scribing the black painted surface with a sharp

point of an xacto blade. Im happy with the results   

 Here are a few pics 



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  • D7E0AD64-19E9-453E-ADCA-31AE639A1744
  • 7E343DA0-D42F-4D0C-842B-F841F00C33F1
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  • AA400626-7FEA-4E69-8BA9-1A9021E802F0

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