I am still trying to solve interference issues that I have with the Universal Remote. At times it is flawless, but too often, while 3 trains are in motion, 1 or 2 of the engines may unexpectantly sound their horn, and stop. Sometimes they restart, but other times do not. If I unpair the engine and pair it again, it proceeds.
Here's what I have previously found: one time, a short on one of the loops was causing this to happen. I remedied that, things were good for a while, then it started again.
I have tested the batteries in the remote, and they're fine.
Has anyone experienced interference from a cell phone on site, either from the wifi signal or the blue tooth signal?
Also, the modem/router from my home Comcast cable network is in the same overall area as my layout, as is my desktop home computer.
In addition to the Universal Remote, I also have 2 independent Lionel remotes that came with specific engines, and I have never had an issue with either of these. They are of course in close proximity to the Universal Remote. There is flourescent lighting in the room.
I am anxious to try something else and hope someone has a suggestion. Thanks very much in advance.