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I am now wiring up my layout, and need some clarification regarding the A, B, C, D and U terminals on the ZW transformer with PH-180s.
Page 5 of the manual shows this diagram, which depicts the upper terminal as U and the lower right terminal as D.
My understanding is that the U terminals are Common, and that the A, B, C, D terminals are Hot. Further: COMMON is also written above the upper terminals on the back of the transformer.
CONFUSION: However at the diagram of the track lock-on, U is shown as Red and D is shown as Black, which seems backwards to me.

Then, on page 10 there is this diagram showing the upper terminals connected to, what appears to be the outer track rail, and the lower terminals connected to, what appears to be the center track rail.
This seems to confirm what I mentioned above regarding the upper terminals as Common and the Lower terminals as Hot.

1.  Can someone please verify Hot and Common, on these terminals?
2.  Also, can someone verify that the Top, Black leads from the PH-180 bricks are Hot, and that the Bottom White leads are Common?
Below is a phot of how I have these terminals all phased, using the top terminals, which I believe to be the common terminals. The U terminal at AU is connected to the common terminal of my Z1000 transformer.
NOTE: You can also see the TVS diodes on all four of the terminal pairs.



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@RWL Roger, There do seem to be several contradictions about wiring in the ZWC manual, including this one on Lionel's Website.

Here's what I know that may be helpful regarding the black and white wires going into the molex connector.  In AC circuits, white typically is neutral and black is line or hot.  The 6-12893 Power Adapter cable has the same (Hot and Common) pin configuration as in your picture.  This cable (with the same molex connector on one end) is sold for connecting a regular transformer to the 180 Powermaster in place of the 180 Powerhouse.

I'd suggest going by the labels on the transformer, and connect U (upper posts) to outside rail and A, B, etc. to your individual power districts' center rail connections.  I'd ignore the red/black notes in the manual as these seem to be incorrect.  Figure 4 on page 7 also seems to be backwards from the other diagrams and the labels on the back of the actual controller.

Before connecting the commons between the ZWC and Z1000 for phasing, check for voltage between the 2 transformer's commons while they are powered up.  If there is more than a few millivolts, something is not wired right, same if one of the breakers trips.

EDIT: I don't have a ZWC to test any of this, I'm only making a ZWC semi-educated guess.  Hopefully someone who has one will confirm.

Last edited by SteveH
@RWL posted:

CONFUSION: However at the diagram of the track lock-on, U is shown as Red and D is shown as Black, which seems backwards to me.

@SteveH posted:

@RWL Roger, There do seem to be several contradictions about wiring in the ZWC manual,

There are no errors in the manuals. Just disregard the colors - you can use any colors you want.

Some will recall that the red terminals on the first issue of the CW-80 were common, and when used properly as common to the outside rails, the whistle and bell button functions were swapped(fixed on later versions with black terminals as common).  Just disregard the colors.

Last edited by ADCX Rob

Thanks guys.
I was all but sure that Top terminals were Common and that Bottom terminals were Line/Hot.

I was aware of AC circuits typically designating White = Neutral and Black = Line/Hot, so I was not to concerned about that, but still thought it prudent to simply verify just the same.

I do so appreciate all of the guidance that I have found here in this forum.


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