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I bought 10 LM2596 units--one end is marked in & the other end is marked out

I wired a bridge to the in end & applied 12 v AC to the bridge Igot 12V DC on the out end

Turning the adjusting screw makes no difference  --This happened on two units

What am I doing wrong --or are the units bad ?



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Which specific ones did you buy?


Many of them will require a filter capacitor as well as the bridge rectifier to properly regulate, the DC in/out models don't provide sufficient filtering on the input side for rectified AC.


Of course, one thing to verify is if you're connecting the regulator correctly, the AC input goes to the ~ terminals, the +/- DC outputs should be wired to the proper input terminals of the converter board.  The filter capacitor goes directly across the output of the bridge.


Another point, the output DC does NOT share a common with the input AC, if you connect the DC output to frame ground, that will certainly not work at a minimum and likely will kill the power supply.


Since I get 12VDC on the out end of the regulator 

how could the bridge be wired wrong -- I checked & it'pos-to pos & neg to neg

bridge to reg. and the bridge is connected to the in end 

The regulators came from Hi Tech lifestyle inc in Ca. ( I guess China)

The bridge is connected to my transformer & the out end is connected to my 

meter--- If need be I can send you a bridge & regulator to check

Any way what size capacitor would you suggest?

 Also you mentioned ground could the regulator need to be grounded-- such as mounted?

Thanks for your help



I did turn it in about 4-5 turns & brought it back then went out about the same

with zip as a result I was afraid to go any farther

maybe a capacitor will do it--anyway I'm going to install it in my system that way the regulator will be grounded---What have I got to loose I'll screw it in until i get tired

then l'll bring it out the same

What I don't get is --it must have a wiper system of some sort in side so it can only go so far either way (just my thoughts)



I have the exact same modules.  The adjustment pot is a 10 turn pot.  You won't hurt it by going past the stops, it just stops changing until you go the other way.  I took one out of the bag, and tested it, works fine.  I note that it was set at full voltage when I took it out.  I also notice that it took a number of turns down before the voltage start moving significantly.


I think you just need to do more adjustments.


Mine do have a 100uf input capacitor, but for any significant current drain, you'd be wise to add a 470uf cap to the input filtering.  They used to sell the same module with a larger cap, but apparently they've gone through cost cutting.


John & roger:

It seems I've been a little chicken on turning that screw--they should come with

some instructions-if I did it wrong at least I was wrong in the right way (I hope)

I'll go with a capacitor and let you know in a day or two what happens as I have to leave now -----Every one have a great day tomorrow




Mr. gunrunnerjohn & ROGER1:

You're right "you can't hurt them by turning the screw"--you can get what you want

when you turn that little blankety screw far enough.

My first two are working A-OK  -- one with a capacitor one without ---I think I'll add

one to all of them

Many thanks to all of you guys---THIS FORUM & ALL ON IT ARE GREAT


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