SaWeeeeeet! TW TrainWorx first Traintastic Testimonial from an action taker on one of TrainDame’s Ferroequinologist Friday Features....
our Locomotive Service Platform Kit!
Check out the talent on display from a photo just sent in from one of our Traintastic Customers - Bob V. But first... his words, and I quote:
"Roger, I thought I’d share a picture of one of your kits I just put together. I must say, being a cabinet maker for years, this is First class. Thanks for making the hobby great for everyone. Hope to see you in Chicago... Bob V.”
Thank YOU for sharing Bob, those platforms look maahhvelous
on your layout.
Happy Tracks!
TrainDame aka Dorcie Farkash
TW TrainWorx
Dallas, TX | Concord, NC
(214) 634-2965
Order YOUR OWN Locomotive Service Platform Kit: $57 right here...Right NOW: TWX Locomotive Service Platform Kit