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We, the Midwest Division TCA Modular Group, are looking for 12 conductor, cable to cable, connectors for our modules.  Currently we are using 6 conductor Molex connecter with the .093 contacts, plus two other connectors with 2 conductor and 3 conductor. Also would like the connector to handle 10 to 15 amps, as our current ones are getting a little warm.

The main reason that we are changing connectors is that now, we are going to be running separate returns from each of the three main lines back to the TIU. Yes we are still trying to get DCS to work on our layout.

I thought that I found what we needed with the Cinch 2400 series,( see attached file) but minimum order is 500 pieces, as I believe they are phasing them out, plus, We don't need that many.

I have looked at the Anderson Power Pole connectors. Haven't been able to figure out what I need there. I understand that you build your own connector, but what components do I need to do that? 

Do you guys have any suggestion?



Bill Kobernus

Midwest Division TCA Modular Group



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We use Anderson PowerPole Connectors.  Perhaps not the cheapest option, but you can get current capacity to any level you desire in their product line.  They also stack into any configuration, and they have color coded shells to insure you get everything wired with the correct connections.  Powerpole 30 Amp Pin & Socket Data Sheet, PDF



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