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I've been looking for an O scale building kit with an entrance for a freight car, without much luck. I think it would be a neat scene with a concrete floor, some workers with crates, maybe a forklift that you could peek in and see. If there is no kit available, have you kitbashed or scratchbuilt one? I'm thinking I could modify a DPM modular wall piece, but it looks like there isn't enough height to clear a boxcar on the standard wall pieces. Thanks for the help!

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I might have found a solution in Micromark brick paper sheets. They even have details for doors and windows, and are self adhesive. I could make the walls out of foam core board and apply the brick paper, making it exactly the size I need. I have some strathmore board I could use to make custom windows, I'm pretty handy with an x-acto knife. The sheets look pretty good, and they are embossed. Interesting...

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