I've been looking for an O scale building kit with an entrance for a freight car, without much luck. I think it would be a neat scene with a concrete floor, some workers with crates, maybe a forklift that you could peek in and see. If there is no kit available, have you kitbashed or scratchbuilt one? I'm thinking I could modify a DPM modular wall piece, but it looks like there isn't enough height to clear a boxcar on the standard wall pieces. Thanks for the help!
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Added a foundation extension to this OGR building.
You can do it with DPM walls.
2 walls high and the header for the doorway is a dock riser.
The other easy option is the Korber MRS modular walls. Buy the engine house kit and reconfigure the walls into a warehouse.
Eric of Eric's Trains did a quickie review of the Menard's dog food factory.
The DPM dock risers are interesting, I didn't know about them. Maybe I could run a row all along the bottom, then cut out my entry, and build a raised concrete loading platform out of styrene.
There are a few Korber kits that will do what you want. Teds Textiles is one, there is a e gone house kit that makes a great factory, there are modular so you can make a large variety of structures with a car entrance.
I just completed the Brennan's kit for the O B Long box Co., but it isn't brick, but l could easily have made it so with various available overlays. The kit is covered with corrugated "metal" siding.
I might have found a solution in Micromark brick paper sheets. They even have details for doors and windows, and are self adhesive. I could make the walls out of foam core board and apply the brick paper, making it exactly the size I need. I have some strathmore board I could use to make custom windows, I'm pretty handy with an x-acto knife. The sheets look pretty good, and they are embossed. Interesting...
Here is one on our webstore....all you would have to do is cut out the door opening and run a track into the building. The three side loading doors could be modeled open so that you could create your scene easily.