Sometimes one comes across the darndest things- esp during a family crisis hour. I recently came across this old wood box. It represents an interesting times during my Childhood and being exposed to the world of model railroading. Back in the 1970's, I asked my Dad for the Lionel Enginehouse Kit. As typical with many parents their response was they can't afford it and instead made me this box to represent an Enginehouse.
Fast Forward 28 years later, I find this box as I am cleaning out some excess stuff from the home I grew up in. Currently my dad is in the Hospital ICU fighting for his life from a form of kidney failure.
as I currently struggle to deal with this family crisis, as a moment of solace, I find myself drawn to this 'wood box'. I want to make something out of it to remember my dad- regardless of his outcome [hopefully he will pull through this second round].
So what I am asking -esp many of you talented O scale builders - is to give me an idea on what type of scratchbuilt industry i can make this box into. Since I have a customized IHC/Atlas O Enginehouse and other RR shop support buildings, the enginehouse/car shop idea is DOA. Instead, I would like to convert this "box" into a unique RR Shipping/Receiving industry.
I am looking for unique designs that incorporate the following parameters:
- An industry that can be styled anywhere from the Victorian era to the 1960's
- the unloading-loading of the car will be from inside the structure [as aposed to an a-typical loading dock]
- doesn't have to be the a-typical box car load - a Tank car/ Gondola/flat car, etc can be used
- ultimate setting will be in bucolic central PA along the PRR main line.
- can be fictional and/or real industry
- Since this will be my fist scratchbuild- a Beginner/ intermediate level of difficulty would be encouraged.
- Dimentions are 21 1/2 inches Long x 7 1/4 inches High x 7 1/4 inches Wide
Thank you all in advance for your suggestions/pics/scematics for this project. Here are pics of that wood box: