I'm a novice in the hobby and finally have a FasTrack layout that I think I'm satisfied with. The overall dimension is about 12 x 6. This is currently built out on plywood with a 1" foam layer on the floor. Before I attempt to build out the the support structure, I'd like to solicit your ideas on how you might create some interest via levels for the track, i.e., raising or lowering different sections. I've attached a schematic (pdf from RailModeller Pro) and a photo to show you what I have so far.
I'd like to add a tunnel (where you see my temporary purple support structures in the picture) that the reverse loop goes up and over, perhaps a bridge, etc. I'm assuming I would add layers of foam to build up and/or lower sections... I want to use the open areas for buildings, scenery, etc. and want to add a signal or two and crossings. The vehicles are from my 4 year old grandson whom I'm building this out for and plan to enjoy this hobby with for a long time.
Again, keep in mind I'm a beginner at this but would also like to enjoy applying some creativity to enjoy building / constructing this out over time to keep it fun. I'm hoping to acquire some new skills, like the soldering I just learned how to do, but without biting off too much. I've already used this forum to learn how to create busses and add power drops and creating blocks, which I've been able to do and already enjoy running my train smoothly and most importantly, enjoy an added dimension of fun!
I look forward to your ideas. Thanks in advance!