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I have been trying to do my homework converting Vac to Vdc.  I purchased a AC/DC LM2596 step down power supply w/pot and led voltage output reader.  It also has mounted a RS807 bridge rectifier.

What I envision is to supply ac from my z1000 and output ~ 3 to 5 Vdc for track accessories.  Can I now connect my z1000 to the input and read my Vdc out? I just wannta be sure. Tks


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Originally Posted by thebeeman:

Hi Mike

Stay with me.  What the heck is over current protection?


The Z1000 is a 100 watt transformer, from my limited research. 

(1.) Working backwards if you wanted 3 to 5 volts DC out of your power supply, most likely the Z1000 is set at or near 3 to 5 volts AC

(2.) 5 volts AC from the Z1000 would correspond to about 20 amps if the 100 watt rating is correct.  Approximate:  Watts = volts X amps.

(3.) Does your AC/DC LM2596 step down power supply protect against the possibility of a 20 amp in rush from the Z1000.  or is there a fuse/circuit breaker to be supplied.    

 A little help here John.  (....intrinsic over current protection)

 Thank you

Last edited by Mike CT

Thanks John and Mike, I lov this.

Let me clarify a little bit, please.  My plan is to come off the z1000 output either 18vac or 14vac into my input of my AC/DC LM2596.  Then I want my output of my LM2596 to connect to low voltage track accessories. Mike, Don't know about the 20amp rush from the z1000.  I had planned to use this xformer for Tiu power and low voltage dc for accessories. You guys stay in touch


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