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I just confirmed this afternoon that the fellow I got an Atlas RS-1 from had not oiled or greased it before I received it.

Since I’m loathe to remove the shell again; does anyone know if grease can be added to the motor wells by removing the motor mount screw on the truck bottom and squirting grease up into the hole? Or am I being overly optimistic?


Last edited by juniata guy
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Nope, you've got to take the truck apart.  While you're in there, be sure to clean out ALL of the old grease.  I have some RS-1's from one of the original runs.  I added new grease when I got them, but didn't remove the original factory grease (it was still new).  Well, a couple of years ago, one of them began running really slowly.  I took it apart and guess what?  The original grease had turned to hard lumps dispersed in the still good grease I had added.

Pictures from disassembly of RS-1 truck.

Top picture shows truck removed from motor and bottom plate removed.

Second picture shows close up of motor and bottom of truck. Screw closest to worm holds truck together and secures black ground wire. This screw holds the motor mount to the bottom truck plate and must be loosened in order to gain access to the gears. The screw further from the worm holds the pick up roller assembly and the red hot AC wire on the top of the truck. This must be loosened to remove the bottom plate.

Third picture shows bottom view of truck. (Screw that fastens to motor and pick up roller assembly are shown where they came from but are not attached.)

Reassembly is even more of a challenge. There are 6 axle bearings. Each has a flat spot that has to e oriented correctly. If one is off, the motor binds.  Heck the rotation of the motor both clockwise and counter clockwise before going further.

I agree with others that this project is one of the most difficult that I have come across. Nothing about it is easy or straight forward.IMG_8187IMG_8188IMG_8189


Images (3)
  • IMG_8187
  • IMG_8188
  • IMG_8189
Last edited by ctr

Thanks for the photos ctr! Earlier today, after studying the truck and an exploded parts diagram, I was finally able to get the truck disassembled. The process pretty much drained me so I set it aside till tomorrow to attempt reassembly.

Once I (hopefully) get this thing properly reassembled and running, I am going to become a confirmed member of the “never again” club when it comes to working on an Atlas engine. Gunrunner’s comment the other day about these things not being designed to be repaired is now burned into my brain.


Last edited by juniata guy

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