Hello Tinplaters
The NYC Hudson was the new look of railroading for a good ten + years beginning with it's introduction in 1928 ... the model / toy / model train world was soon to join the band wagon by modeling the revered NYC Hudson for the next 90 years.
Thomas Randal may have the honors of the first to pattern his Standard Gauge casting kits after the Hudson .
1930 Frank Birch of Detroit offers an O scale electric Hudson .... Frank also built live steam ...has anyone ever seen a Frank Birch piece ?
December 1931 "The Voltamp Company of America" ......a name perhaps sold from Boucher who did not have the right to sell ... but Richard Marklin was trying to establish an American presence in the toy train world by importing a model of the famed NYC Hudson . Richard wished not to have the German link in the name ? ..you know that WW1 thing ....
September 1932 another Voltamp ad now listing Pullmans and K4 along with the Hudson .... Pullmans were made ..never heard of the K4
1933 Maerklin Hudson is being sold for 30.00 .....'..note Icken pacific $90.00 .... Lionel tinplate engines $10.00 + -
1934 Marklin offers the Hudson with a slightly bigger tender ( unknown if they also modified the engine) .... and longer Pullmans offered
1936 /7 Markin catalog shows the NYC Commodore Hudson . (I've heard the standard Hudson was not in the Marklin catalogs ?)
The Marklin Hudson just did not find an audience when first made .... not a scale model ..so the rivet counters did not like it ......for the tinplate world ....perhaps a bit ahead of the curve .... Lionel tested scale waters in 1934 with the City of Portland and added the Hiawatha in 1935 ...and Hudson at the tail end of 1937 .
Commercial failure of course creates a collectors rarity .... so rare ( expensive) that Seltzer of Germany reproduced in limited numbers the Hudson ...does anyone know when they were made ? or how many were made ?
Here you have some of the early ads ...photo of an original Hudson ....and the latest addition a Seltzer reproduction Hudson ( as a space holder till an original pulls in the station ....pulling a string of the Marklin American Pullmans would be nice ) .
Cheers Carey