O scale model of a concrete construction Coaling Tower
I have created plans in O scale (1/48) for a coaling tower that is a very close adaptation of the original NYC Collinwood coaling tower. This prototype coaling tower is located between East 146 and East 152 streets in Cleveland, Ohio. The prototype tower was built in 1944.
My O scale structure is 32-3/4 inches to the top of the tower. This scales to 131 feet. The O scale structure is 26-3/4 inches wide not including the adjacent coal conveyor building. The depth is 15-7/8 inches. Overall scale dimensions are 116 by 63-1/2 by 131 feet not including the coal conveyor.
The model dimensions have been scaled from available photos. No attempt has been made to duplicate all prototype details.
The model is made from 3/16 inch foam core board, basswood and Poplar strip wood.
See preliminary model construction photos of the structure attached. The coal conveyor section of the tower has not been added. Also stairway details to come.
Notice the O scale figure standing at the base of the tower.
More model construction photos to come. See also the prototype photo.
Note: This post is intended as information for the general reader. If others care to comment on the topic or contribute ideas to further the modeling activity it is there option to do so.