Hello Forum Members! I require some assistance and I thought this would be the most logical place to look for answers. I have two Menards Pepsi Factories that I purchased some time ago. I am going to use these on the layout that I am building. The buildings will be located in close proximity to each other with styrene used to construct a tunnel or extension to the buildings so they appear to be one large factory. I would like to know how I can remove the figures that are glued in-place on the buildings to reposition them and t0 add other figures. How are the Menards figures attached to the buildings (hot glue, CA, other?) and what is the easiest and least destructive method to remove them? Thank you for any recommendations and/or suggestions.
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Hi, I've removed quite a few of the figures from my Menards structures. I don't know what kind of glue they used. It wasn't difficult at all, and if I can do it anyone can.
So Paul how did you do it?
Just pulled them up, Walt...wiggling a bit on the pull. Always a danger of the feet breaking off, however. Frankly, most of my Menards buildings have pieces coming off on their own, and it's a constant re-gluing process.
I have a related question...
Some of the Menards factory buildings are almost perfect for what I'm trying to add to my layout, but I don't necessarily want the lighted signs that come with them. I want to build a chemical plant, and the Menards Tide factory would work nicely for a portion of it, but I don't want the lighted Tide sign. I want to customize the plant with the names of the companies that I worked for, (or eliminate the lighted sign altogether). Same question for the National Power and Light, or Sprecher buildings.
Has anyone been able to remove, modify, or maybe kitbash the lighted signs on these buildings? I know that I could probably just paint over them, but I'm looking for some other options.
Thanks for any suggestions (and photos if you have them).