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@Richizzle07 posted:

@RJT all four buildings I received in the past couple days have issues. My Gamer and Thrones has the roof with the toilet unglued and laying on the ground in the packaging. The one National Light and Power has a smokestack unglued and flopping around in the packaging, the other National Power and Light has the transformer on the roof unglued. The last building was the tide building that is missing the very top red flashing light. All boxes were in great shape with zero damage to the packaging. Iā€™ll get photos this week. Iā€™ve also got 2 more buildings currently being shipped so Iā€™ll follow up with them too.

My final two buildings arrived Friday and both have issues! Pretty hard to believe Iā€™m 6 for 6 with receiving buildings with damage/issues! The third National Power and Light I received has the rear wall crushed near the roof. The brewery I also received has a windowsill that is unglued and loosely bouncing around and the big sign isnā€™t fully functional. It only partially lights up. I also received a dealer pack of dodge Ram pickup trucks that was heavily damaged at the warehouse since the shipping box had zero damage. $1100 in purchaseā€™s within four days and this is extremely upsetting.

Edit: I know several are easy fixes but others simply arenā€™t. Iā€™m a HUGE supporter of Menards and will continue to be. Itā€™s just very frustrating and hopefully they improve their quality control. Iā€™ve sent their customer service an email so awaiting on updates.

Last edited by Richizzle07

My Tampa Towers shipping box had a huge gash but, thankfully, no damage to the structure (which, by the way, is very heavy - absurdly so, compared to the other Menards structures).  My National Power building was not so fortunate.  The lip on the back wall was crushed - but I suspect I'll be able to hot-glue it back together.  Overall, I'm happy and know that some of this is to be expected at these price points (with or without the special offer).  Remember, nothing in life is "free"!

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