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For those of you familiar with Tim Foley's Mianne Benchwork, I purchased his new lift gate at York. On New Years Day in under 2 hours (I work very slowly and took breaks), I was able to install the lift gate into my existing layout.


I've attached 2 pictures but the Mianne website has a video and Tim has posted it here on the OGR forum as well.


I'm really happy with not having to physically crawl under or remove the section filling the walkway. It was easy to install, worked the 1st time out of the box, went in fast, and I'm really pleased with the outcome. It makes my railroading life my easier - I just have to finish installing the top this weekend (which I have) and I'll be ready to run trains again!






Images (2)
  • 001
  • 002
Last edited by EastonO
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Don, Terry, thanks for the kind words. I have been "gently" prodding Tim to produce the lift ever since I saw the prototype at the Big E show some six years or so ago. About 1 1/2 years ago he came up with a reliable design and I believe I became the beta tester for the unit. It was not powered and I came up with my own method of mechanizing the unit using a Harbor Freight hoist motor mounted in the ceiling. Tim then developed a motor and pulley system which was mounted under the table top. My unit will be be will eventually be changed to that system (we both use the same motor). My unit has worked flawlessly.


kj356, the 4 draw slides that Tim uses for the lift are high grade commercial units that have no side play or racking problems.



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