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So I have started to build my final retirement layout.  This is going to be all conventional block control (too many brass williams, sunset and weavers to upgrade), 30 X 50 double decked affair.  Right now I am starting with the main yard and roundhouse.  This involves about 20 separate blocks.  I pulled out the mini toggles that I have used on 2 past layouts.  These have always worked without trouble.  On this layout, I am rechecking everything before building.  

So, just by chance, I noticed all of these (some spst, some double) have a 3 amp rating noted.  In spite of it working on 2 past layouts, I have to wonder if I just got lucky.  Being that this is the largest yard I will have ever built, it is very likely I will have longer trains then ever before.  I would like to keep with the Mini types as I place the switch right on the control board schematic on a back-lit control board (see pic).  





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Richie C. posted:

CJACK - do you have a link to the 10A relays you use - are they AC or do you use a bridge rectifier ?


Here're some really inexpensive relays that have 400 ohm coils. These can actuate with AC thru an inexpensive full wave bridge power supply. You only need to provide one 12 vdc supply to supply any and all relays thru your mini switches. There are many other choices, and prices.

Last edited by cjack

Good call CJACK!  That's why I never had trouble with them.  They are rated at 3AMP but I'm not running anywhere close to the 250VAC.  I totally locked in on just the amps.

However, I do like the pre-wired option.  That would save a lot of time.  I have several more control panels to build.  Looks like a bulk order is in the works.  I wonder if anyone makes a "lighted" AC version.  I see lighted DC toggles, but not AC.



You can use DC rated switches for AC of course. DC is harder on a switch than AC. There is an issue with the light though if it is lighted with the voltage you are switching. Not a problem with TMCC which runs at a steady 18 vac, but is a problem with Conventional running since the voltage varies. There are also issues if the light is an LED. Many lighted switches do not protect the LED against the reverse half cycle of AC power. That would just require a diode however.

Last edited by cjack

Installation.  Metal Plate/panel. 

Or installed in the layout. 

Pictured is a double pole, double throw,  center off, momentary switch.   Add a cross over connection, it is used to run my turntable.  Push and hold, Clockwise, Counterclockwise.   Click on the triangle to access a video.  

Have a great day.     Mike CT. 

Last edited by Mike CT
Crazy J RR posted:

RSJ... do you have a source you can send me on those toggles.  Pre-wired... BONUS!


I found them on that big auction site. haven't bought any in a while but I'm sure if you search the amperage and voltage you can find them.

This was the seller

and what I paid for them.

toggle sw


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  • toggle sw
E-UNIT-79 posted:

MikeCt  what are you using to index your turntable it's stopping perfectly every time . Is that a Ross or Millhouse system?

The Turntable is an older Diamond Scale. There is no indexing.  It usually can be jogged, with a quick switch move to the correct position.   There was indexing available, but the TT pictured was used from another layout, didn't have it.  

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