1) I happened to receive a few large spools of left over 12 and 14 gauge stranded wire in return for helping a friend on a wiring job. The black is 12 and the other colors are the 14s. I’m building a new layout and using DCS. Is there any reason that I can’t use two size wires (black as neutral and the others as hot)? I figured that they are both more than adequate from a DCS signal standpoint?
2) I seem to recall a soldering tutorial video sponsored by OGR. Does anyone know where to find it?
3) For various reasons, I had to put work off on the layout for several months. But also many months ago I had chosen to follow some discussion threads on the forum. They seem to be dormant recently but I want to get back to them as a mind refresher. I can’t seem to figure out how to do so? Any direction on how to resurrect them would be appreciated.
Thank you!