I am at the stage where I am looking for buildings and houses to fill specific gaps in my layout. I am finding this search to be very difficult since almost no manufacturers include the most vital piece of information needed to determine whether a structure will work. WHAT IS THE FOOTPRINT. The height and appearance are important but useless if I can't determine whether the structure will fit in the space I have available. I think OGR should require this information for any structure to be advertised in the Magazine. Want a perfect example;
check the ad for Woodland Scenic's new buildings on page 14 of the just out run 280. They look really nice, but how much space do they require? I can't tell from the ad, can you?? In this case, I am sure you could call Woodland Scenics and somebody would find the specs, but wouldn't it be great to know that a building would fit your need without extra research?