I have a Lionel PW 151 Semaphore that I installed on my layout which is powered by two Lionel ZW-L transformers and use a single common. I have it wired to trigger the flag by the common rail on an isolated track section and the light powered by accessory 14 volts set on the ZW-L. The 151 functions well like this with the exceptions of the light bulb heats the top and housing to a point of being too hot to touch and I believe the solenoid causes a voltage spike which may have been the cause of the failure of a 154 crossing signal on the same accessory bus. Note that the track voltage is set at 18 volts for TMCC and Legacy but only the isolated track common is tapped for the flag; the lights hot and common are both wired to the ZW-L accessory bus 14 volt.
I have basic electrical skills but that's the limit. I would like suggestions on how to reduce the light bulbs heat and how to protect the circuit from any voltage spikes that the solenoid might cause. 1. I've read some of the post on TVS but don't fully understand what this is or how to install it for an accessory (My circuits are protected by the built in protection of the ZW-Ls). 2. Would a different voltage light bulb do any good? If so what voltage? Would converting the light to an LED be better? If so how as I'm using the AC power from the transformer.
Thanks for your help guys! It's fun tinkering with this stuff but I don't need to create anymore smoke units, the wife has lowered the boom on smoke in the house .