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I recently purchased a few Monon Shops kits from a fellow forum member and was curious if anyone here had any experience building them.

They seem to be more or less scratch build fronts with all the parts needed.  I plan to build them per instructions but wondering if there was any experience or tips from the forum.  Thanks!

I am becoming a glutton for structure kits...

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Yeah, the contents of the kit look to be very old technology, like hand typed maybe.  35 years ago is pretty impressive. 

A lot of these older kits actually build up rather nicely and with a little upgrading of details are when finished as nice as anything you can buy today, except you can take pride in the "I built this" factor.

I have a personal pursuit to build all these kits that have been hiding away in boxes before they put me in a box


Laudable.  I have been selling off stuff hoping to get to the finish line and breaking even....

mwb i have a feeling i'll build these kits then eventually sell them as finished models.  I like the building aspect the most.  Painting I am not fond of but am slowly gaining some skill.

I too build for the fun of the building -- usually scratchbuilding but the occasional kit finds its way onto my bench.

Good luck on the selling - I've got 3 storage tubs and going on 4 of structures that I've unable to sell. People want $100+ kits built up with scenery and details added for $10.


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