To all of those good folk who have and/are helping me get into the basics of MTH DCS control...thank you.
I have asked already how to access the MOP Soft Key to raise and lower the Pantographs on my MTH Cargo Locomotive....
a member was kind enough to tell me to start with the MOP Soft Key on the MTH DCS Remote. For the life of me I cannot find the MOP Key.
So I asked the member how to access the Key and another kind person replied suggesting I buy the this stage I don't want to buy the Book,
that is why I joined this Forum. I hope one day to be in a position to help members find answers to the very questions I am now asking. I will not tell them to buy "The Book", neither will I shamelessly Plug a Book that I may have written.
Please how do I locate the MOP Key...I have read the manual and watched the video and learned a lot except how to find this wretched MOP Key!