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first we need to know what kind of building are you working on.

Industrial building are more exposed to grime and mold so the mortar turn very dark.

churches and houses mortar is more light.

Then the material the building is made and mortar lines deep.

With all this information we can assist you more precisely.


The easiest that I have found is to just paint a mortar colored flat latex paint on the brick wall and wipe it off before it dries.  That does two things.  First it leaves the mortar lines painted and not the brick.  Second it leaves a little paint in the porous cracks of the brick which dulls the shiny plastic look of the brick.  It's fast and I really like the results.



For "brick", I start by painting the panels in a flat brick red paint. I then use a highly diluted acrylic antique white w/ a touch of gray or black. Mix the paints in a 50/50 mix of water & rubbing alcohol. Using a spray bottle, just spray over the part and then lightly wipe the surface with a soft cloth. This leaves the paint mixture in the mortar lines.

Originally Posted by Chugman:

The easiest that I have found is to just paint a mortar colored flat latex paint on the brick wall and wipe it off before it dries.  That does two things.  First it leaves the mortar lines painted and not the brick.  Second it leaves a little paint in the porous cracks of the brick which dulls the shiny plastic look of the brick.  It's fast and I really like the results.



That is exactly the way I do it too. You described it better. I said concrete gray in my post above (what I used), but you could use any color you like. It would all work the same. I use the cheap acrylic paints available from the big craft stores, about a dollar or so a bottle.

 I have tried many of the ways above and they all seem to work with vring degrees of patience.  Most recently I have use hunterline stains.  This was by far the easiest way I have ever done it.

if you zoom in to Jahns ice cream you will see very fine red lines done with hunterline stain and cotton cloth.  LEt dry and repeat until you get darkeness you want


These normally are very difficult to do.  I did it without removing from layout. Also did Mike's greyhound bus station with their white stain.

Last edited by wsdimenna

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