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20 Hi-Rail Wheels
22 Scale Wheels
Think Mike changed it vs having same model number except for the last number. Now you can see what scale it is within the first 2 digits.
initially, as they were introducing it, it appeared that it was linked to upgraded sounds in PS3 packages. The number preceded the U-boat for example with the deeper bass claim. Most of the models with scale wheels and that prefix were cancelled.
The suffix -1 = high rail wheels
-2= scale wheels.
So now I see guys using the prefix # for the identity. It does line up???
maybe its got a 2nd set of wheels in the box JK
"22-" is the new prefix for MTH Premier locomotives with scale wheels. The suffix remains "-2". Also, they've started cataloging each road number under its own stock number. This prevents interesting situations like mine where I got three locomotives with the same road number. Some older Premier locomotives with scale wheels were cataloged "20-nnnnn-2" so the "-2" at the end is the key thing to lock in on when searching.
The hi-rail locomotives remain prefixed with "20-" and suffixed with "-1" for powered units and "-3" for non-powered units.
Above is scale with a -1 i am still confused
Well after searching some more, it appears that the prefix 22- goes with the -2 on a lot of the newest releases of scale wheels.
I don't see what was confusing before, but hey, if it helps sell engines, it's all good.
I'm pretty sure it helps with new inventory numbering?