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I don't have a whole lot of MTH experience, but I am adding rolling stock from their line-up.  I have a set of 60-foot MTH passenger cars, which I am running with Lionel locos.  I am having trouble with the couplers being loose, or not reconnecting.  See attached photo-the plate on the bottom of the coupler arms seems to not necessarily be tight enough, as I find the pin opens or pops out from the bottom of the knuckles.  Do I correct that by tightening the screw (see photo) clockwise,   or do I just need to wrap a micro hairband rubber band around the arm?  Thanks/Alex


Images (1)
  • IMG_7263: MTH coupler on 60-foot passenger car
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Anyone have the problem of manually opening the coupler on the track...only to have the plate come too low and short the track?! Check the clearance from plate to track on many, and it is only a very small gap. And yes, a wire or a tie is the answer to a lazy coupler. I have never tried taking that screw out, and filing or grinding a small amount off of the end so that it is shorter before it bottoms. I might try that on a couple that I have and see what happens. OR...take the spring and stretch it a bit and put back on!!


I have had thumbtacks hit the center rail and spark. Next time I see it, I'm going to try nail polish on the bottom of the tack to see what happens. So far, I've just ignored it. I also put micro hair bands on any car coupler that opens during operation. You can put these on so tight that you can't open the coupler manually, so there is a sweet spot to the tension.

@Ken Wing posted:

I have had thumbtacks hit the center rail and spark. Next time I see it, I'm going to try nail polish on the bottom of the tack to see what happens. So far, I've just ignored it. I also put micro hair bands on any car coupler that opens during operation. You can put these on so tight that you can't open the coupler manually, so there is a sweet spot to the tension.

Ken, I have used a piece of electrical tape in the past. I might take a screw out and grind some off of the end, plus stretch the spring, this weekend.


@Ken Wing posted:

I have had thumbtacks hit the center rail and spark. Next time I see it, I'm going to try nail polish on the bottom of the tack to see what happens. So far, I've just ignored it. I also put micro hair bands on any car coupler that opens during operation. You can put these on so tight that you can't open the coupler manually, so there is a sweet spot to the tension.

Let me know how that polish works out. Probably more permanent than my tape. I may have to grab a tube of clear.

Thanks, Greg

The cow catcher on my new Lionel Berkshire was hitting the center rail on one of my 072 switches popping the circuit breaker.

Dabbed a little Liquid Tape on the bottom edge of the catcher, let it dry and away we go. Easy fix and no modifications required. Plus, this stuff is pretty durable.

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