I bought two GS4 steamers on an auction site. I thought I would try to cobble together one working unit from the two and make myself a dirt cheap but cool a little engine.
I was actually able to get one of them working and looking really nice. The donor engine had a PS2 board that I can't make work, the working engine has a loco sound board. Everything works well, when the engine starts up the smoke unit starts, it runs really great forward and reverse and neutral. Lights work great. The chugging sound changes with the speed of the train. Except I can't get the whistle or Bell to ring.
I'm using a Lionel kW transformer, and I know that they can be touchy with the whistling & Bell. But I've got really good at using it with my other PS1 engines to blow the horn and ring the bell, I just can't get this one to work. Is it something to do with the loco-sounds processing from the KW, or is it something to do with the stray red and black wire that are left over that I can't figure out what to do with? It seems like because they're red and black they should be AC or DC power, but there are no pickups in the tender, and there's nowhere to ground.
I've attached a couple of photos.