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I'm looking for some help.  I have a MTH MT-3011L Pennsylvania Y3 with Proto Sound.  I think this is from around 1995.  The engine will only run in forward with the bell always ringing..  I cannot do a reset using a Z4000, it just wants to run forward while trying to do the reset.  The Proto Sounds seems to some what work with the exception of the bell always ringing.  I unplugged the Proto Sound board and jumped the DCRU board, B1 B2 and L1/L2 and it still will not cycle F-N-R.  It acts like it is in neutral until you get to around 8 volts and then it moves forward.  I have spare boards I can try but I wanted to check here before I started to swap out boards.  Anybody have any ideas on what I can try?
I bought this with the idea of possibly putting in a Proto 3 upgrade in it, not sure about a replacement for the seuthe smoke unit since I would rather a fan driven unit. Does anybody make a mount for a fan driven unit?




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