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I'm thinking about getting my son the MTH 30-79591 dump car with operating bay to work with his quarry in our layout.  Does anyone know if/how we can make it operate with radio control instead of the operating track?  I'd really like to have the ability to pick up gravel from the quarry and dump it in various other locations in the layout that don't have operating track.  I have no experience in doing this sort of thing so not sure if it's even possible or how hard it is to do...perhaps I should sub out the work if it's possible?   But would like to learn how to do this stuff.

We'll want to be able to load the car at the quarry as well...looking at the MTH 30-9043 Operating Coaling Tower as one possibility (but looks like it may make a mess and take all day to fill up a car?)...or if I can find one maybe the Lionel 97 Coal Elevator or Lionel 752 Seaboard Coaler?  Really open to suggestions in this regard as well.

Trying to add some action to the layout while maintaining some element of realism (doesn't have to be perfect of course) and without adding too much mess and/or frustration.

Thank you in advance for an input!

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The Williams (by Bachmann) version of the coal dump car is operable with a separate-sale radio transmitter:

DMIR dump car

Radio remote control

The biggest downside is the WBB product is expensive for just the car alone (the remote not so much since it can control multiple items). As always, use product numbers and compare online sources--while Bachmann has high MSRP's on its shop, prices from other resellers may be less (though not often drastically so with WBB products)


Last edited by RailRide

I have seen some flyers/ads from Trainland/Trainworld where they were offering some pretty hefty discounts on some of the WBB stuff. But, I haven't paid any attention to what all from WBB they were offering in the ads?

I haven't ordered anything from these folks so I have no experience with them and wasn't trying to plug any specific dealer, just remember seeing the ads a few times.

Last edited by rtr12

In this post from a recent OGR discussion, I showed how I modified an MTH operating reefer for about $5 in components.  The reefer can be wirelessly activated anywhere on the layout instead of just when over an operating-track-section.  I'd think something like this could apply to the operating dump car.  But to be clear, this is a DIY project not in everyone's comfort zone.

So to sketch out a path forward going the DIY route: 

mth operating dump car

the operating-track-section applies power to the 4th and 5th rails when activated by the lever controller.  The sliding shoe power pickups on the operating car receive this AC voltage and start the action.  There is some kind of circuitry on the operating car to convert the AC voltage to DC voltage needed to drive the DC gearmotor that raises and lowers the bed.  So some circuitry must be added to bypass the 4th and 5th rail...and instead receive power from the center and outer-rails (replace/upgrade trucks to ones with center/outer rail pickups)…and to receive commands wirelessly with some kind of radio receiver.

This additional circuitry must fit in some nooks and crannies to the extent they are available.  I found the above photo of an MTH operating dump car from an MTH manual.  It shows what's underneath the car's bed.  I realize you don't have this car yet, but perhaps someone who does can take some better photographs from different angles and make some measurements showing how much space is available.

operating reefer real estate management

For example, in the reefer, the components were assembled in a manner to fit an unused space as shown above.

If there is enough interest, there is a small cadre of guys here on OGR that have been known to convert ideas like this into something close to plug-and-play.  In other words, if you want to pursue this avenue, then raise the flag and see who salutes! 

Separately, there have been OGR discussions about operating-track-sections and those pesky sliding-shoe power pickups.  These can mechanically interfere with some track systems.  One approach has been to remove the sliding shoes and instead activate the operating car by some other means.  For example you could aim a light beam upwards from the track bed using a 5-cent LED.  The operating car would have a 10-cent light detector and a relay or whatever to activate the car.  You must still position the car over an operating track section... but the rub is the operating track section can be any piece of track albeit modified to mount a 5-cent LED!  This can make it economically feasible to have dozens of operating track sections.  Again, this is just an aside. 


Images (2)
  • operating reefer real estate management
  • mth operating dump car
Last edited by stan2004

I have all three Williams By Bachmann operating cars, along with the remote transmitter.  They work like a charm.  As everyone knows, they were K-Line cars that Bachmann remade.  I find it somewhat interesting though, that Bachmann chose not to do a remake of K-Line's operating milk car.  I found a used K-Line milk car and have had some difficulty with it.  This is not uncommon from what I have read.  Perhaps Bachmann saw the possible downside of producing such a complicated item. 

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