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i was replacing the watting in the smoke unit of my NJ Transit P40 Genesis ( 20-20772-1 ). Unfortunately, there’s no exploded parts diagram for this or any other similar genesis which I came across.

That said, I ended up with the red molex plug below- just hanging out with nowhere to go. It’s on the rear end of the engine. In the 10 or so months I’ve owned it, I only had to open it 3 times- none for problematic reasons. That said, the plug must go somewhere.


All plug in the shell are fineimage6B46197D-D556-439A-A930-8553D6AAC2100877D59A-0B42-485E-AFD4-57BC49740B90

help? Anybody?


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@gunrunnerjohn smoke works better than ever, lights are fine. I was primarily concerned it was a connection to the rear directional marker lights but everything checked out on inspection and on the track. Thanks for your input.

I am happy I opened it up when I did, a wire worked it’s way between the smoke unit and the large green object, enough friction was caused that it had exposed the bare wire

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