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I cannot get it to run. It has sound and starts up ok a low voltage (batt is good) but if you turn up power beyond 12 volts or so it makes a sputter sound and dies. lights are on.  I cannot forward/rearward motion.  I did detect a smell of sorts when 1st powered up.  I am thinking a board must have gone bad.  Upon looking inside I cannot see any obvious problem but I did not pull any electrical things apart.  Any thoughts from the forum are appreciated  ogauger     item  20-2214   #80 coal turbine

Last edited by o gauger
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If after start up you turn power right back off and it plays shutdown sounds your battery is ok.


PS-1 come out of the first reset state after powering up with voltage less than 10V.  After that you can change direction at any voltage level.


The sputtering at a higher voltage is an issue. Does it do it even if still in reset (neutral) or only after changing direction?


If when trying to move it could be a few things from binding in truck gears, bad wiring, or possible issue with the motor drive section of the board.  Not uncommon.


The engine boards are easily repairable or can be replaced.  Can you post a picture of the boards close up.   G

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