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Bought a MTH N&W locomotive last year. Worked like a champ.  Awesome sounds. Put it away but I'm starting to think about getting everything set up again in a couple of months.  This is the first MTH I've owned.  Did some reading and started getting concerned about potential battery failure when I first start up again. Opened up the tender and got confused. I don't see anything in there that looks like a battery or a BCR.  Here are some pictures.  Is this modified from the  standard setup?  If not, where is the battery?  Sorry for the naive question. 


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Last edited by Prospector
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That doesn't have proto sounds, it would QSI on end of the box, that is one of the first railking engine's because it has a RK on the engine number the newer one's have 30 for the first numbers and don't feel foolish there a lot of thing's you have to find out about MTH train's most are good, at least you took the time to take it a part to see if it had a battery in it .


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