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Looking for any thoughts  or experience using Realtrax (solid rail) on a covered patio. The layout is 8 x 10 and on rollers. It will spend most of the time under the covered portion. I plan on putting a tarp over it in the winter. I have a lot of Realtrax so I would rather use it instead of Atlas or Stainless Steel Gargraves.



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I have a portable layout stored in similar conditions with Stainless Gargaves and one small loop of Realtrax (mix of solid and hollow rail).  Both have held up well but there are a few things to point out.  While the gargraves I used were stainless track, the pins were not. I ended up replacing those a few years in with a stainless alternative from a hardware store.  Realtrax & Gargraves plastic is not UV resistant, if you plan to have any of this exposed to sunlight, you can get UV-resistant spray that you'd need to clean off the top of the rails after you apply. I'd suggest applying some die-electric grease to the copper connections under the RealTrax where corrosion is most likely to occur, I haven't experienced this but if I ever pull up that track I'd do it just to be sure. I also soldered the small jumper wire between the two outside rails (of both systems) occasionally to ensure both outside rails have a solid connection and are not dependent on train wheels.

Last edited by H1000

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