I'm looking at a MTH item that was delivered in 2013. I hear there is a 5 year limit to their warranty. Does that mean that engine is no longer covered?
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WAY WAY past warranty! It is most certainly not covered!
Even though it's still brand new in the store?
My understanding of the warranty is that it is in effect only if the item is purchased from an MTH authorized dealer with 1 year of the date of manufacture.
@MACADO 1 posted:Even though it's still brand new in the store?
Answer: NO
Why not read the official warranty policy?
As of May 1, 2021, any item sporting a Shipping Date that reads: Delivered APR. 2020 or earlier will be considered an Out-of-Warranty repair. On each subsequent month after May 1, 2021, any item sporting a Shipping Date that reads earlier than the previous month and one year or earlier will be considered an Out-of-Warranty repair. For example, as of May 2021, if an item has a delivery date of: "Delivered: MAY. 2021", it has one year of warranty coverage remaining until MAY 31, 2022; if an item has a delivery date of: "Delivered: APR. 2021", it has 11 months of warranty coverage remaining until April 30, 2022; if an item has a delivery date of: "Delivered: MAR. 2021", it has 10 months of warranty coverage remaining until March 31, 2022; and so forth.
Warranty Terms On Products Produced After June 1, 2021
Items shipped after May 31, 2021, will carry a one-year warranty from the date of manufacture for the MTH Authorized Retailer who sold the product. Any defective items should be returned to the dealer where purchased. If the dealer has trained service techs, they can offer to repair the locomotive (MTH will supply warranty parts as needed free of charge. If parts are not available a refund will be given to the dealer). MTH will no longer provide repair service on any products at its corporate headquarters. If an item is defective and cannot be repaired, it needs to be returned to the original purchasing dealer and the end-user can obtain a refund from the retailer. The original purchasing dealer will then return the item to MTH for credit. Customers may want to request that their items are tested by the retailer prior to taking the item home. All items are tested by M.T.H. Electric Trains prior to shipment from our production facilities.
@MACADO 1 posted:I'm looking at a MTH item that was delivered in 2013. I hear there is a 5 year limit to their warranty. Does that mean that engine is no longer covered?
@MACADO 1 posted:Even though it's still brand new in the store?
I cannot think of a competing train manufacturer that would honor the warranty today (2022) of a 2013 produced product- I don't care how sealed the box is and being brand new on a shelf. A 2013 produced product is not "brand new" no matter how you want to spin it in your head. It's 9 years old.
Even Lionel's warranty policy excludes this. https://www.lionelsupport.com/warranty
Warranty Information
Products that are more than 3 years old, from date of manufacture, are not applicable for warranty coverage, even if they have never been sold prior to this date. (Under no circumstance shall any components or labor be provided free of charge.)
If there's no warranty, even though it is technically brand new, the OP should at least be able to negotiate a very good price on the item.
Looking at the post that has the MTH warranty spelled out. Does it mean an engine delivered in March of 21, no longer has a warranty?
@MACADO 1 posted:Looking at the post that has the MTH warranty spelled out. Does it mean an engine delivered in March of 21, no longer has a warranty?
Correct! English 101.
Even before MTH reorganized, they along with other manufactures, moved away from that type of warranty. There was some age limit, I think 5 years, maybe 3. The point being MTH had no control of how the train had been stored and such and how many times it changed hands.
If you are buying from a dealer, ask them for a written warranty. IF they say no, determine if it is work the risk for the price asked. G
@Vernon Barry posted:
...Warranty Terms On Products Produced After June 1, 2021
Items shipped after May 31, 2021, will carry a one-year warranty from the date of manufacture for the MTH Authorized Retailer who sold the product. Any defective items should be returned to the dealer where purchased. If the dealer has trained service techs, they can offer to repair the locomotive (MTH will supply warranty parts as needed free of charge. If parts are not available a refund will be given to the dealer). MTH will no longer provide repair service on any products at its corporate headquarters. If an item is defective and cannot be repaired, it needs to be returned to the original purchasing dealer and the end-user can obtain a refund from the retailer. The original purchasing dealer will then return the item to MTH for credit. Customers may want to request that their items are tested by the retailer prior to taking the item home. All items are tested by M.T.H. Electric Trains prior to shipment from our production facilities.
Just to emphasize, in case anyone missed it - another thing to keep in mind regarding the warranty on newly-issued items is there's a good chance that your only recourse on a problem is to get a refund if your dealer doesn't offer service or the parts aren't available. This can be especially disappointing if you preordered an engine for a favorite road name and waited several months for it to arrive.