I am planning a oil distribution depot on my layout. I have some Plastruct tanks and support material. But I am always on the lookout for things that will work anywhere on the layout.
Being home boound for weeks I was about to go stir crazy. My wife suggested we go to a nearby town to shop and dinner. Our first stop was Hobby Lobby. I always look over the model supplies but enjoy looking at everything......for things I my be able to use. I found some round paper mache 'boxes'. They were all different sizes but a 6" x 6" one looked right.....this would be a 24 x 24 foot tank.
I already had the Clever Models Texture library and one texture was a metal welded sheet with weathering and rust. I printed off 3 copies of the metal plate. I then used 3M spray adhesive on the paper back and applied it to the paper 'tube'. I applied it to the top first and folded it down over the sides about 1/4 inch. Then I applied the sheets to the tank sides. Some touch up where the white paper shown through and it was finished. Not perfect but for $4 and less then 30 minutes it will work well in a tank farm in the background. A quick and neat project!!