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I had this 22' x22' room added to the rear of our garage.  It will house my new O-Scale 2-rail layout and workshop. 



I have since added a pellet stove.  We are awaiting the spring before finishing the wallboard taping.  I am presently working on the SCARM layout plans and will post those upon completion.


This Forum has been a big help to me in developing those plans. 


Thought you might like to see the progress.


Thanks...   Tom

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Chad and Spence:


I love the pellet stove, so far.  As you can see from the below pictures, the town made me install the firebox 18" above the floor.  I used 2x8's and covered the resulting box with cement board and a steel sheet.  Being a free standing garage, it is classified the same as a Midas Muffler shop.  Any volatile fumes will settle towards the ground.  I built it on piers with a framed and insulated floor.  The bottom of the rafters is boxed in with 1/4" wire screening to keep the rodents out of the insulation.  This guarantees that the floor will always be warm, even if I only use the room for a few hours.  A slab would take forever to soak up any heat.  The pellet stove I purchased is the smallest I could buy and idles the room at 63 degrees.  If I need more heat, the thermostat then kicks in.  It is a Pleasant Hearth and can be purchased at Walmart or Home depot.  So far it works quite well.






Yes that is a Golden.  He is darker than the usual and is the best dog we have ever had.  Just an overall gentle good boy.  He is 9 years old in the above picture.


Thanks...   tom


We just bought a house with one in it its a Greenfire Pellet stove I have no clue how it all operates but it does seem to keep house warm with the pellets the previous owners had the ones we just bought it doesnt seem to work as well but thats all we could find this time of year eh  So far im on the fence about it its kind of a pain eh
 Originally Posted by Tom Burke:



Chad and Spence:


I love the pellet stove, so far.  As you can see from the below pictures, the town made me install the firebox 18" above the floor.  I used 2x8's and covered the resulting box with cement board and a steel sheet.  Being a free standing garage, it is classified the same as a Midas Muffler shop.  Any volatile fumes will settle towards the ground.  I built it on piers with a framed and insulated floor.  The bottom of the rafters is boxed in with 1/4" wire screening to keep the rodents out of the insulation.  This guarantees that the floor will always be warm, even if I only use the room for a few hours.  A slab would take forever to soak up any heat.  The pellet stove I purchased is the smallest I could buy and idles the room at 63 degrees.  If I need more heat, the thermostat then kicks in.  It is a Pleasant Hearth and can be purchased at Walmart or Home depot.  So far it works quite well.






Yes that is a Golden.  He is darker than the usual and is the best dog we have ever had.  Just an overall gentle good boy.  He is 9 years old in the above picture.


Thanks...   tom



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