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Thanks. I got some overspray from painting it black on the lower card stock block area that created an unnatural line around it from the tape I put around it to protect it.I like what the overspray did because if you ever deal with coal and it is wet it will splatter all over the place. I gotta figure something out to do with it.

Thanks for the nice comments. 


All I did was paint the entire thing flat black then I found some cheap metallic silver and used a flat paint brush and dipped it in the silver then before applying it, just dabbed it into a paper towel and just lightly touched the surface using vertical strokes . The look I was going for was metal corrugated siding with coal dust all over. I think I might go back over it again but this time use a flat grey but using less than the what I did with the metallic silver for the next layer.


Design master colortool spray - flat black

craftsmart silver metallic  paint


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