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Originally Posted by L.I.TRAIN:


BTW why was a crescent moon the standard cutout symbol for an outhouse??

OK....I'll bite!  Why was a crescent moon the standard symbol??....








So much for my silly pre-caffeinated response this morning....


Here's one bit of lore to explain....(scroll down the link page):


Privy Link.....a.k.a., 'Misery' outhouses


Just what ya need......a good read!




Last edited by dkdkrd

From the all knowing internet:


Crecent Moon: The crescent moon cutout and the star cutout on the door of many outhouses goes back to Colonial times. In a time when few people could read, the crescent moon was the symbol for women while the star cutout was for men.

It is thought that the men, in general, let their outhouses fall into such bad shape that it was the women's outhouses that survived the test of time. The cutout also let light into the outhouse as there were usually no windows.

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