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I think this would be better if there was a 'Best Practices' thread, but I dont think there is going to be one since the suggestion died in the Forum Suggestion Box.  

Anyway, in a few months, I'd like to start building my layout.  I'd like to think I'm a pretty creative guy so I think I'll be ok making things, BUT... I'd like to know, what do you guys use to make certain features on your layouts?

Water - I know there is the Woodland Scenics Realistic Water, but what else do you use?


Paint for Rushing Water -

AgedLumber- I've seen scratch-built buildings and other things with wood that looks aged, what do you use and how do you do it?

Windows & Doors - 




Ground Cover -

        For open spaces -

        For train yards -

Fencing & Posts - I've seen people use aluminum screen, but what else?


Tunnel Portals and Retaining Walls - This is Forest Dunsmore's thread titled the same: Here

Hopefully we can get quite a few responses here and it will be able to help not only me, but others looking to start building their layouts.

Thanks guys and girls!


Last edited by mjrodg3n88
Original Post

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Here are a just few links to previous threads to get you started. There have been many more like them:


Water falls












More Grass



Windows and Doors - try the source list at the top of the main scenery forum page.


There's lots of info here on the scenery forum, accessible by the "search" function.  


But, if you have any other questions not found - feel free to ask away!





Thank you.  This is exactly what I'm trying to do, get everything in one spot.  While I do need help in all these areas, I'm hoping when somebody does a search, they'll be able to pull up this one thread and see what everybody else used.  When I start, I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions!!





another method for modeling water is using glass.  There are different textures that one can use but one that modelers have been using for quite some time is shower door glass.  Dennis Brennan has covered it in his book...


Below are a couple of pictures I took recently on my layout...







Images (2)
  • 101_2632
  • 101_2633



Thats perfect, this is what I'm looking for.  Examples from everybody.  It'll give not just me, but anybody good tips and information.  I've seen your thread and you layout looks amazing.


*Edit - I added Tunnel Portals and Retaining Walls linking it to another forum member's thread.  If I am violating some rule, please correct me


Last edited by mjrodg3n88
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