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If there is something like this I'm looking for a source for small signs with numbers that I can position next to switch machines. Would help my feeble brain keep track of which control panel button goes with which switch. So far all I have are some stickers that came with the Atlas O switches.



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Something railroady looking would be good. I've been using one of those label tapemachines to make the biggest number it does and black on clear tape. But it doesn't stick to the Fastrack plastic for though?..lays there. Tried gold on black, but not as easy to read from a distance. Also use RR Track and print out a drawing that I label.

I wish for something like a yard post with numbers on it though.

Last edited by cjack


I have made these signs for a couple of customers using .030" styrene sheet cut in a 3/8-inch square with a 1/16-inch diameter wire plastic coated wire tube and 1/4-inch stick on numbers. I turned the square on a diagonal to create a diamond shaped sign and put a stick-on number in the center. I glued a piece of plastic coated wire tubing to the back side of the sign and it was drilled into the layout near each switch. You could also make the signs round. 

If you would want me to make some up for you, e-mail me with a quantity and I will provide a price.


Alan Graziano


I have done signs like the attached for customers. They are divided into sidings and main line so if  switch 1 was on a main line and headed for a siding there would a sign on straight portion (ex ML East 1) and a sign on the curved portion (siding 1). This way you have more than one viewing angle to read switch number. I mount them on 20 mil styrene then glue to 100 mil square rods.







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