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Hi Everybody--  Looking for some "help" or "ideas" for a second level (elevated) layout that would be constructed over the top of the main layout below, without covering up too awful much of it.


Photo 1.  Diagram of the Modules.   w/o Measurements.


Photo 2.  Diagram of the Modules.   with measurements.


     The Modules are now covered with plywood sheets to create one large area with measurements

     shown.  I've already constructed a lot of Tubular track on the main level !   My wife wants me to build

     some kind of second level that would give us the ability to run more trains.

     Operating radius would be biggest possible for primary mainline--  something smaller for medium-sized trains and trolleys.   Maybe a small yard for storing freight & passenger cars.

I'd like to find a place to use my Girder and Truss Bridges too.


     Trackage could be Tubular or Fastrak ...  Whatever would fit best in limited space !


Photo 3.  Elevated idea with bridges.  (courtesy of KON)


Photo 4.  Elevated idea with bridges.  (courtesy of KON)






Images (4)
  • img703
  • img714
  • KON_3
  • KON_6
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Looking for some "help" or "ideas" for a second level (elevated) layout that would be constructed over the top of the main layout below, without covering up too awful much of it.
I've already constructed a lot of Tubular track on the main level!
I'll be happy to toss out some ideas for you. Before digging into the design of the upper level, I need to get a good picture of what the track plan on the lower level looks like. This will show us where there will be any conflicts between the two levels.
Let's start with your baseboard (table top) to see how much space we have to work with. You have a lot going on in the plan you posted that is causing some confusion. If you could please, redraw the baseboard with the modules connected and show the outside measurements and any gaps.
Also, I need a copy of your track plan. Do you have SCARM? If not, you can draw the track plan and mark each section of track and I'll get it drawn up.
I'd like to find a place to use my Girder and Truss Bridges too.
Who makes the bridges and what are the model numbers?



I pieced together your layout based on your drawing. I need some more information to get an accurate baseboard drawn up.


Please provide a measurement for each letter. Letter I is a measurement without the control panel module. Where you had two measurements, I used the numbers not in brackets.


How much room do you have between the fireplace and the edge of the layout?


I think for better overall layout performance, you might want to consider moving the control panel to an area along Side A (orange rectangle.) Also, I would fill in or shift the peninsula all the way to the bottom of the layout (blue rectangle.) 





I noticed in the pictures you sent me that you had O, O-27 and FasTrack mixed together. Do you plan to use all three types of track or will you choose one? Do you plan to use any of the specialty pieces of FasTrack?



Images (1)
  • kenlayoutblank1

I have done a second level with my layout. I used a sheet of plywood, 42 inch by 72 inch, with an 027 track coming off the second level and supported with 1 by 1 square pieces of wood, you can use dowel rods of about .75 of an inch. I used screws both from the top and bottom to support my pieces of wood and to hold the track in place.

To support my second level I used 2 by 4's with 2 screws in each 2 by 4 on both top and bottom, tried using only one screw but the 2 by 4's kept falling over so the second screw is most important for securing a good size sheet of plywood.


I used 027 track because it is easier to work with and lets you do custom size track work. Gargraves might be good as well.


I have used Fastrack in the past and it is good for a main level layout and not for a supported layout, this is from my personal experience. For me Fastrack moves too much on a supported level and may cause an opening between electrical connections, so I use tubular track instead.


Lee Fritz



   I build my multi-level layouts with FasTrack, switches and all, however I am also a

NASA Professional Welding Engineer, with lots of O Gauge layout experience.  Using FasTrack on higher levels takes some engineering skill with the correct size plywood, 2x4's and 2x6's.  Cutting out the plywood trestle for your upper FasTrack levels is definitely a challenge, to make everything perfect.  It can be done, with planning and patience.  I will add a 4th FT level this coming Christmas, with the new FT 036 Command Control Switches, mostly for my new Pittsburgh, Pa P2 Street car and another Christmas Train.  





Take a look at this draft and tell me what you like and what you don't like. I attempted to keep this track plan as faithful as possible to your original. Here's a synopsis of what I did.


  • Lower level outer mainline is now all O-54 curved track.
  • Lower level inside mainline is a combination of O-42 and O-31 curved track. This had to be done to accommodate the shape of the track. If you wish to use only O-42 track, you will have to cut down a piece of O-42 to match the angle of the curve.
  •  I moved your single crossover from the left of the track plan to the middle back of the layout. In the new area, you can either have a Ross double crossover (as depicted) which is the most compact, make a double crossover with O-72 turnouts and a 45 degree crossing, or use O-72 turnouts in a back to back crossover. The O-31 crossover was too sharp and between curves. That was a derailment waiting to happen.
  • On the main level, I used the two Truss bridges to span the gap. The bridge crossing the river is your Bascule Bridge. To turn the crossover area into a bridge, just add some girders which you can make yourself or purchase.
  • The river divides your layout into two sections giving you the ability to create different scenes. One could be a city under the left upper level and the other could be a country scene for example.
  • The turnout under the bridge to the right of the layout is an O-72 R. The turnouts in the yard are O-31.
  • The turnouts on either side of the Bascule bridge are O-31. If needed, they can be changed out for O-42 or O-72. 
  • The turnout just before the gap is O-31 and leads to the upper level. All curved track from this point is O-31.
  • In order to accommodate the larger radius, you would need to widen the current module. The climb crests at the Arch Under bridge. The Girder bridge connects the Arch Under bridge to the upper level. You could use track supports or make the rise out of earth.
  • The height of the second level is 6". That would need to be checked against your highest piece of train and the height of the arch in the bridge. The height can be adjusted.
  • Your Hellgate Bridge is at the back of the layout on the second level. That will be a focal point.
  • Don't worry about the upper track supports that you see on top of the lower level. Those will be moved later to accommodate both levels.






Here is the baseboard I created based on the information you gave me. Some of the dimensions didn't work mathematically, so I filled in measurements as best as I could.




Images (4)
  • 1_1draft
  • 2_1draft
  • 3_1draft
  • 4_1draft

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