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I have been adding pink board to my layout and decided to use plaster wrap over it. To go over the wrap I decided to go with gypsolite instead of hydrocal because of the longer drying time. I ordered from scenic express. I followed the directions........... 1 cup cold water .........two cups of gypsolite. It is on the soupy side. How much more should I add to make it so I can apply with spatula or small putty knife. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks Paul

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Gypsolite or Structolite is available in large bags from most construction suppliers.


I find mixing to different ratios for varing uses is helpful.  Also at time I mix batches of screened sawdust for a courser texture.


You can also mix sawdust with standard or delayed time plaster for soupie pours over a hardened skin of 6" square newspaper patchwork draped over cardboard strips.  It runs down the hills like an avalanche, yet hardens like a rock.


WEAR A PERFECT FITTING MASK!  You only get one pair of breathers.  Imagine what plaster dust looks like when residue is left in an moist environment.

I recently finished up with a 50lb bag of Structolite from Home Depot (same thing as Gypsolite, I'm told, and a lot cheaper) and I too found that sometimes the 1:2 water to Structolite mix was a little soupy. Maybe it depends on the temperature of the water? Who knows, but in any case when that happened I just added more Structolite...until it was kind of like pancake batter, more or less, but I was using the paper towel dipping method. You can make it even thicker if you're going to trowel it on. I was told by more experienced folks on this forum that there is no hard and fast rule as to how thick or watery it should be as the stuff is fairly versatile and when it dries, it will dry hard, regardless if it starts out thick or soupy.

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