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I've modeled a section of the rugged High Mojave Desert, and I'm having trouble finding painted 1/48 scale figures of Mountain Goats, Bighorn Sheep, Cougars, and Bobcats, all of whom reside just outside my residential area in Apple Valley, California.


Here are shots of my layout: "Calico Freight Lines"















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I'm modeling after my High Desert terrain, where there is absolutely NO greenery.


Last year, we killed and removed our entire front lawn, replacing it with California Gold landscaping gravel, so we could "fit in" with the Desert.


I'm still moving wheelbarrows of it around from the original 26-ton pile.


CROWS, did you say?  We have RAVENS, man...with 3-foot wingspans!


When the Turkey Vultures nest in the trees next door on their way to or from Mexico, you can see 'em occasionally stretching their 6 to 7-foot wingspans!


At night we hear the coyotes from near and far...that's our desert!




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Bad Order Hal:




I went to the EBAY place you suggested, and could not find the animals you mentioned.



Search for " O / On3 / On30 / 1:48th - SET OF 5 North American wildlife figures - PREPAINTED " in the O scale category --> Other



Haybros is Hay Brothers and they have a lot of O scale resin cast detail parts. 


You can also do an advanced search for the HayBros as a seller and pull up their entire line of items.


Oddly, they don't seem to sell directly but through a few shops and on their eBay store.


So it goes......

Last edited by mwb


HEY M. W. B.


I really appreciate how you've been helping me in my search for O-scale Desert animals.  The critters you've pictured in your latest post are OK, but I will never do business with EBAY again!


Two weeks ago I had a Yamaha Clavinova keyboard advertized with them, and it didn't sell, but they charged me $52.75 for listing it with them for one week, insisting that I ask for payment by PAYPAL (which I hate), instead of by check.


I later posted it on Craigslist and immedately got my full asking price, paid to me by check, the way I wanted it!


So no more Ebay and their PayPal method of payment for me!


Bad Order Hal






Those Crows are "Close enough to Ravens" you say? 


Not even close!


We have Ravens, not Crows, up here in the High Desert, and they're protected by the State of California, just like the Bald Eagle and the California Condor!


They're Big, Strong, and Loud, in a league far ahead of wimpy Crows, who live down the hill from us in more civilized areas.  A Raven weighs as much as 3 Crows and has double the wingspan.


Bad Order  (Poe DID NOT WRITE: "Quoth the Crow...Nevermore!")



Last edited by Former Member

Two weeks ago I had a Yamaha Clavinova keyboard advertized with them, and it didn't sell, but they charged me $52.75 for listing it with them for one week, insisting that I ask for payment by PAYPAL (which I hate), instead of by check.

That what we call a self-inflicted wound done by a bag of hammers....




I see you like to use a series of periods after a phrase for dramatic effect too!


HEY, I found a hobby store up here that has collections of all kinds of scale animals in long plastic bags, at a better price than that e-Bay outfit.


Some are African animals, some are Barnyard, some are Zoo, and one is Desert, having the same 5 animals you showed me!


I'll pick up a bag next week, when I have the 40% off coupon!


Bad Order

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