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Hi all, 

I've been having some issues with voltage and my layout. This whole situation is really complicated and I'll try to explain as best as I can. All help is appreciated. 

My layout is two loops with lots of switches. I use Lionel Fastrack and get power from four Lionel 180 Watt bricks. The bricks are connected to my layout via 4 TMCC lockons. There are a few feeder wires running to those lockons throughout the layout. Whenever I run Legacy or DCS engines on my outer loop, signal instantly drops and the engines reduce speed and to a point where they stop moving. I'm sorry if this explanation isn't the best, I can answer any questions you may have on this thread. Thanks for all the help. 

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Maxrailroad posted:

 There are a few feeder wires running to those lockons throughout the layout. How frequently in feet between each feeder?

Whenever I run Legacy or DCS engines on my outer loop, signal instantly drops and the engines reduce speed and to a point where they stop moving. Is it at the same point on the layout or in different location on the outer loop?

FWIW, those TMCC direct lockons have been known to degrade DCS signal, but if you haven't had any problems with DCS signal, then good for you!

Richie, yes, both loops are connected and receive signal for Legacy and DCS. 

SF 3751, there is a good amount of space in between each feeder. I did not run enough when building my layout, but signal worked fine until about two weeks ago. The signal cuts out noticeably in the same spots. DCS signal on my layout has always been problematic, so the TMCC lockons must be the culprit. 

Thanks for all the ideas. 

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