My son received his fist Lionel O Gauge train set this Christmas. We recently improved it by adding more fastrack to make it a 5x10 double crossing layout (shown here)
We also added a new GP35 Legcy engine and CAB1-L base and remote. We are using the provided transformer from his set with the throttle set to max to run in Legacy mode. No accessories yet, so the transformer is only powering 1 train.
The problem we are having is that we get quite a few stalls around the track, or the green light on the transformer will blink (short i think). Sometimes it just stops responding to the Legacy signal. Usually tapping on the track will get it back going, but so far, we spend more time trying to get it running, than it running. Connections between the fastrack are pretty good....not 100% flush on every joint, but I think that may be impossible for the track layout.
My question the CW80 enough transformer? Do I need to add more connections from the transformer to the track? Currently there is only 1. I read somewhere connections every 4-5 feet? Is this really required, or will it help?
Any suggestions or comments welcome.