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My son received his fist Lionel O Gauge train set this Christmas.   We recently improved it by adding more fastrack to make it a 5x10 double crossing layout (shown here)


We also added a new GP35 Legcy engine and CAB1-L base and remote.    We are using the provided transformer from his set with the throttle set to max to run in Legacy mode.   No accessories yet, so the transformer is only powering 1 train.  


The problem we are having is that we get quite a few stalls around the track, or the green light on the transformer will blink (short i think).  Sometimes it just stops responding to the Legacy signal.   Usually tapping on the track will get it back going, but so far, we spend more time trying to get it running, than it running. Connections between the fastrack are pretty good....not 100% flush on every joint, but I think that may be impossible for the track layout.  


My question the CW80 enough transformer?  Do I need to add more connections from the transformer to the track? Currently there is only 1.  I read somewhere connections every 4-5 feet?   Is this really required, or will it help?


Any suggestions or comments welcome. 



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This is for "gunrunnerjohn"

You seem to be VERY Helpful in almost every forum I jump in to. Thank You so much for all your guidance and knowledge. I am also a Newbiee and starting my benchwork today. I am building a Lazy L (5 X 9 X 11 ) with a 3 foot cross piece in the center. My question to you like the post above, is how many wired power tracks do I need for a layout like mine. I will be having 2 trains running at the same time on 2 separate tracks with 2 separate MTH Transformers. My REAL question is you use so many Quotes like TVS, Drops, and so many others. "I am Lost"

Is there a Glossary somewhere in the back of some book or magazine that could help me out with these terms?

Thank You in advance.

I listen when you speak (type)


Originally Posted by BrianEso:

I listen when you speak (type)


Gee, nothing like a little pressure!


I'd start the process by posting a suggested layout of what you intend to build. The wiring will certainly be dependent on the layout and how you're planning on running.  Track type will also enter into it.  Is this going to be multi-level or a single level layout?


You will need to consider if you're every going to run command (remote control) with the layout or plan on always running conventional (transformer control).  It makes a difference, sometimes significant, in how you might wire the layout.


As far as the acronyms, I hear you.  There should be a glossary of terms, what a great idea that is!


I'll start:


TVS -     Transient Voltage Suppressor

Drops -  Individual power connection to the track

BUS -     A collection of wires through which power is transmitted from location to another.


Truthfully, there should be a place where all of these could be collected, like a WiKi.  I'm sure there are many publications where many of the terms have already been revealed.

See That's what Im talkin about!!

OK. This is the 1st time I am uploading from SCARM..I found that program just 2 days ago. It is pretty neat. I am still learning how to use it.

I am using Fastrack
I am using 2 Z1000 Transformers and Controllers
I want the trains to share both tracks and sides
I am NOT sure about DCS (remotes yet) Not sure of the pricing and affordability right now. Besides I want to control the Controller I think at first.

Layout is going to be Single Level with a few (2) 2 degree lifts around the face of the mountain in the back corner. The outer track will go through the tunnel and the inner track will ride alongside the mountain. I want a few sides to park different trains and cars. I have a PA passenger set with 7 cars and a ABA Total (10), I have a another PA passenger setup with ABA and 4 cars, I have a GP38 Chessie that will pull at least 15 cars and I have a Fun setup with ALL animated box cars, about 7-8 maybe. So I want 2 sets running at once and I want to park the others and make the tracks DEAD when they are parked. How's That's for some homework.

I wish you were sitting here, it would be so much easier, but this will work.





Lowe's and the Depot typically have 50' rolls of 14 gauge stranded copper in black, white, red and green or you can usually buy it by the foot off the large inventory rolls. 

14 gauge may be oversized for your layout and load, but is easier to source from the big box stores than #16. If you want #16 there are many sources including on the net.

Here are some updated photos of my benchwork from today.

I'm Almost Rolling...

The Blue Tape is my outline of the table top.
The Blue Box in the center is going to be where my Pop Out will be for service and maintance.

Tomorrow I will finish all the center supports and then start on the legs and wheels.

Keep ya posted.


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